HANetf has launched its thematic exchange-traded funds (ETFs) range in France, with the 17 funds due to list on Euronext Paris in mid-December.
Among the 17 funds are Europe’s first cloud ETF, space ETF, solar energy ETF and airlines ETF.
Funds Europe states that “it also includes Europe’s first ETFs with a carbon offset mechanism, the HANzero ETFs, where the fund’s carbon footprint is offset through projects such as the Topaiyo Conservation in Papua New Guinea and the Musi River Hydro Plant in Indonesia.”
Hector McNeil, co-CEO of HANetf, said: “France is a large and important ETF market and registering our thematic ETF range there and listing on Euronext Paris will enable French investors to have access to a better choice of exciting thematic and ESG ETFs. Due to France being a highly competitive market, led by the domestic banks, we decided to only launch once our brand became better known.
“Since we listed our first ETF, EMQQ, just over three years ago, we have grown to over $3 billion of AUM making us one of the fastest-growing providers in Europe.”
McNeil comments that the firm decided on an initial 17 ETFs but expects to “bring more subjects to demand over time” and will focus on thematic, smart beta, active and crypto ETPs.
HANetf currently lists its thematic range on the London Stock Exchange, Borsa Italiana, Six and Deutsche Boerse and passports into Benelux, the Nordics, Poland and Spain.
Brieuc Louchard, head of ETFs at Euronext, said: “HANetf has established itself as a unique ETF provider in the European market. It is Europe’s first full services white label ETF firm that provides asset managers with a highly cost and time-efficient route to entering the ETF market.
“This year, HANetf has launched 18 new products and increased its assets under management from $1.1 billion to over $3 billion AUM, an increase of over 167% since the beginning of 2021.”
Source: Funds Europe
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